The general policy in Saxon is that scalar values ( strings, numbers, Booleans) are evaluated as early as possible, while node-set values are evaluated as late as possible. Saxon中的常规策略是尽早对标量值求值(字符串、数字、布尔值),而尽可能晚对节点集求值。
She also has a general policy that if your family and loved ones for some reason deeply object to the idea of your following a Guru and living in an Ashram, then you shouldn't do it, it's not worth it. 她还有个政策:倘若任何亲戚朋友因某种原因,而强烈反对你追随导师住在道场的主意,那么你不该这么做,因为不值得。
Our general policy is to disclose no personal identifiable information to third parties except under the consent of the individual concerned or required by law. 除法律有所规定或徵得有关人士同意外,我们不会向其他人士披露可识辨个人身份的资料。
What is our general policy at present? 我们当前总的方针是什么呢?
Evidence of a general policy of discrimination was, in the words of Justice Antonin Scalia," entirely absent ". 用大法官AntoninScalia的话说,总体政策存在性别歧视的证据“完全不存在”。
The general policy guiding our economic and financial work is to develop the economy and ensure supplies. 发展经济,保障供给,是我们的经济工作和财政工作的总方针。
After more than two years of effort, we have formulated the general policy of readjusting, restructuring, consolidating and improving China's economy. 经过两年多的工作以后,我们对国民经济提出了调整、改革、整顿、提高的八字方针。
Our general policy is to place moral encouragement first, material incentives second. 我们实行精神鼓励为主、物质鼓励为辅的方针。
117. In all our work we must persevere in the Anti-Japanese National United Front as the general policy. (一一七)在一切工作中,应该坚持抗日民族统一战线的总方针。
Also, the general policy of unity against the enemy would be undermined if this relative freedom were denied or voluntarily abandoned. 如果被人抹杀或自己抛弃这种相对的自由权,那就也会破坏团结对敌的总方针。
8.3 undertakings offered need not be accepted if the authorities consider their acceptance impractical, for example, if the number of actual or potential exporters is too great, or for other reasons, including reasons of general policy. 8.3如主管机关认为接受价格承诺不可行,则不必接受所提承诺,例如由于实际或潜在的出口商数量过大,或由于其他原因,包括一般政策原因。
An Analysis of Direction of Perfection of System of Science and Technology Policy from Viewpoint of General Policy System 从一般政策系统看科技政策系统完善化的方向
Under this general policy, we seek to improve our relations with the United States and the Soviet Union. 在这个总政策下,改善同美国和苏联的关系。
It has become increasingly clear that it is absolutely necessary and correct to establish this general policy. 今天看得越来越清楚,提出这个八字方针是完全必要,完全正确的。
The National unity policy is China's handling of ethnic relations of a general policy. 民族团结政策是中国处置民族关系的一个总的政策。
The Committee has oversight of Finance and general policy. 委员会负责处理财政和综合政策。
Substantive rules of general applicability adopted as authorized by law, and statements of general policy or interpretations of general applicability formulated and adopted by the agency; and. 4由法律授权而制定的普遍适用性实体规章,以及机关制定并通过的一般政策说明和普遍适用性解释。
Some general policy considerations give birth to a group of norms which is different from private law in nature, and facts of public law penetrates into it and exhibit a socialization trend. 一些广泛的政策性考量催生了与侵权责任法的私法性相异质的规范体,公法因素渗透进来并使其呈现出社会化的发展趋向。
As stated in clause a general policy statement, the university has no desire to interfere with the private relations of its community members. 正如甲项一般政策声明中提及,大学无意妨碍校内成员建立私。
A valuable prize, award, or gain. Our general policy is to place moral encouragement first, material incentives second. 奖励一个有价值的奖励、奖品或收获我们实行精神鼓励为主、物质鼓励为辅的方针。
Matt Anderson, a US Treasury spokesperson, said: "direct bidding is open to a wide range of investors, but as a matter of general policy we do not comment on individual bidders." 美国财政部发言人马特安德森(mattanderson)表示:“直接竞购向很多投资者开放,但根据一般政策,我们不对单个竞购者发表评论。”
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Company shall not be under any obligation to affect a separate insurance on the goods, but may declare it on any open or general policy held by the Company. 除另有书面协议外,本公司概无责任对货物另购保险,但可宣称以本公司任何公开或一般保单受保。
Would you talk about general policy for financial aid? 你可以谈一下经济帮助的总政策吗?
But, given the broader implications for India's general policy on GM food crops, the environment minister, Jairam Ramesh, opened the issue up in a series of public consultations. 但是考虑到印度关于转基因食品作物的一般政策的更广泛影响,环境部长JairamRamesh把这个问题纳入了一系列的公共磋商。
Would you talk about the general policy for financial aid? Don't let's touch economics; 你可以谈一谈经济资助的一般政策吗?
Military plans on these lines must be made, in keeping with the general policy of resolute armed resistance. 按照坚决抗战的总方针,必须作如上各项的军事计划。
General policy for microcredit in its wider sense, is bound to be devoid of focus and sharpness. 秘书长在其更广泛意义上小额信贷的政策,必然是重点和清晰度没有。
The society synthesis governing is general policy of our country to solve the social question. 社会综合治理是我国解决社会治安问题的总方针。
The general policy of sci-tech information of China in different Deriods is introduced. 文中论述了不同时期我国发展科学技术信息事业的总政策。
On the reason analysis, it discusses the general policy system for the formation and operation of the network system. 在对其原因进行分析基础上,讨论了网络体系形成和良好运转所需的广义政策体系。